Author: Henry David Thoreau
Anqi Wang
Section FK
Thoreau thinks that walking is a kind of art. To preserve his health and spirits, he would rather spending couple of hours in
walking through forests. However, the walking of which he speaks has a different meaning with taking exercise. In his opinion, walking is the adventure of day. During walking, we can search of “the springs of life”. Therefor, Thoreau encourages that think while walking. In the essay he thinks that compared with nature, politics occupies a little space in the landscape.  Thoreau feels that walking eastward is a way to realize history and literature. On the contrary, walking westward is approaching to a spirit of enterprise and adventure. As for Thoreau, he believes that climate reacts on man. From nature, we could find something which will inspire our spirits. That is why the world will go on. Everything is the world tends to search the wildness. Wildness is
the preservation of the world. In summary, he states that life consists with wildness, and all good things are wild and free. Then he takes the domestic animals as an example. What’s more, Thoreau would not have every man cultivated. Sometimes a man’s ignorance is useful and beautiful rather than useless or ugly. After visiting many remarkable landscapes, Thoreau thinks that we need to be a part of nature. To achieve that, sometimes we need give up some of the civilization.  He encouraged people to find an equilibrium point to balance wildness and civilization.

I think “From Walking” is really abstract. It is hard for me to catch the main point from this essay. As far as I’m concerned, wildness is an original of human being. And all species in the world have native rights to keep their wild habits and vigor. Human civilization is just a part of nature.  We cannot reject civilization completely or fully believe in wildness. What the best is that we can find a way to combine nature and civilization together.


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